
Social Media Etiquette

Hello Friends,

As we all spend more time on social media, it's time to outline some social media etiquette that will benefit us all as we apply these principles to our communications.  Here we go:

  • Messages should tend to be uplifting, informative or positive.
  • Posting more than four or five things a day, may be too excessive.
  • We should ask ourselves, "Is there anyone that I would rather not see this post?"  If anyone comes to mind, then we should not post on social media.
  • We should never engage in bullying, teasing or arguing via social media.
  • Our post should not be solely focused on ourselves, as this would seem narcissistic, but should rather include our family, our friends and outside influences.
  • Check our intentions before posting, asking ourselves, "Are we posting this to benefit others or to gain some perspective, or am I posting to hurt, insult or misguide others?"  If our intentions are proper, then it is appropriate for social media.
  • Be careful not to over share.  Usually, these are things that are gross, disgusting, vulgar, too private, or too intimate.  We never use names when speaking of situations where others were affected in a negative way.
  • Try to be humble when announcing accomplishments.  It's fine to be proud, we just need to be sensitive to sounding like we're bragging.
  • NEVER upload pictures of others to social media without their permission.  Come on, we all want to look our best, especially when the whole world can see.  Let's make sure our friends and family are OK with us posting pictures of them.  Email them ahead of time and ask if they mind if we share the image on social media.
  • Do not "tag" anyone without their permission, unless you are sure they want you to "tag" them.
  • If you don't like a comment or post, unless you feel like it is damaging your reputation or someone else's, there's really no reason to comment.  Just move on.  It's not our responsibility to inform every person of what points we disagree with them on.  Just let it go.
  • Don't "over ask" someone to "follow" you or "pin" your info, etc.  Invite and then let it go.
Here's another great link that has some further protocol for social media I really like:

Artwork by:

Have a great day,
Monica Irvine

a.k.a. Mary Manners

Chicken Curry Balls

Here's the recipe.  Make these for your next women's luncheon or shower.  They will be a huge hit.


  • 2 packages (3 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
  • 2 tablespoons orange marmalade
  • 2 teaspoons curry powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 3 cups finely chopped cooked chicken
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped green onion
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped celery
  • 1 cup finely chopped macadamia nuts, toasted (or you can substitute almonds)


  • In a large bowl, beat the first five ingredients until well blended. Stir in the chicken, onion and celery.
  • Shape into 1-in. balls; roll in nuts. Cover and chill until firm (can refrigerate up to 2 days). Yield: about 20 servings

It's the Little Things that Count

It’s the Small Things That Count

Hello Friends!  We are going to start a series on being a Host that I hope you will enjoy.  This month we are going to begin with Houseguests.  If you’re like me, I love having company...well most of the time.  I love when friends and family come to visit and I love to do things that show how much I enjoy and appreciate their visit.  One way we can do this is by putting forth a little effort in furnishing the guest room with some fun accommodations for our guest.  Even if your “guest room” is your child’s room, with the right extras, you can make any guest feel like they’re on vacation and well cared for.  For those who don’t have an official guest room, making a guest basket is a really fun idea.  My children have helped me create our guest basket which has heightened their excitement when guest visit, as they are excited for them to see our special basket.

Below you will see a list of suggestions for your guest room or guest basket.   Please don’t feel like you have to provide all of these suggestions, but hopefully you will see a few that you like.  Your guest basket is not for your guest to take home with them, but remains in your guest room while they are visiting.  Each time guest come, we just simply freshen it up with fresh snacks, etc.  Here are the suggestions:

extra blanket good reading light clock radio wastebasket
coat hangers safety pins luggage rack fresh soaps
lotion bath salts shampoo/cond new toothbrush
toothpaste fresh towels fresh cloths short books
magazines suntan lotion snacks sweets
calendar vase of flowers lint roller extra pillow
headache med stomach ache med notepad pens

Once again, just have fun with preparing your guest basket.  I don’t purchase these things all at once.  When I’m out, I just keep by guest basket in the back of my mind in case I see a great deal on something.  Letting our children help prepare for guest, teaches them a really valuable lesson.  The lesson is “It’s the Small Things that Count.”  What a great opportunity to help our children experience the joy of giving and helping others to feel valued.  Have fun.

Have a great month,

Monica Irvine

a.k.a. Mary Manners


Hello Friends,

It's time for a Give-A-Way.  Win a KidBudget Program!!!!

How do you enter the drawing?  Simply share this post on your Facebook Page and then copy and paste your post into an email to me at  We will draw a winner Friday morning, Feb. 15th, 2013  at 8:00am and announce the winner at 8:30am.

What are you winning?  Let me tell you about it.

KidBudget is a money management workbook and program for children ages 6-12 years of age.  It's really quite amazing!  I love it because it's so simple.  Your children will work their way through the student workbook and as they do, they will learn how to manage their money.  They will learn the concepts of "short term goals," "long term goals," "donations," and "play money."

It comes with these little pouches that help the children organize their money, so they can see where it is going.  It also comes with worksheets, simple charts and other resources to help your children master the skill of money management.  What a beautiful gift to give our children!!  

Once again, this is soooooooo simple, yet sooooooooooo effective.  We just spent about 10 minutes each day working on 1 assignment and before we new it, we were done with the workbook and actually managing our money.  In reality, these skills are for the whole family.  This will be one of the most valuable skills we will teach our children.  Each child needs their own workbook but first, WIN this one and then you'll be SOLD.  Enter the DRAWING TODAY!!!


Facebook parties are FUN and a great way to get FREE advice, FREE prizes and FREE fellowship with others that share in your same interest & goals.

"Like" Us

How do you Participate? 

  1. Save the date/time and make sure you take note of the timezone.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve missed a party due to the time difference.
  2. RSVP to my email ahead of time if possible (  Often by RSVPing you are added to a drawing.
  3. You must go on the Facebook Page where the party is happening and LIKE the page.
  4. Out of courtesy it is proper etiquette to like the sponsors and cohosts facebook pages, as well.  After all, they are the ones who are most likely providing the fabulous giveaways and offering their expert advice.
  5. Refresh Often or press F5 to make sure your not missing any scoop.  Facebook Parties are much easier to keep up with than twitter parties, but you will need to refresh often.
  6. Sometimes party favors (freebies) or special discounts are given to the facebook attendees(that’s you)  towards the end of the party.  Directions will be given to you in regards on how to obtain your goodies usually with an email address.
  7. Comment when asked, you never know when your answer just might be the answer that your new friend has been searching for.
  8. Enjoy.  Facebook Parties are fun and a great way to get great ideas and insights to what we care about.  Invite your friends to come because everyone walks away every time with at least one (usually many more) great tips on being a better you, a better mom, a better wife or maybe just learning to love yourself better because you are amazing.