
Give Your Children the Gift of the Pen

If you’re like me, you get really excited when you open the mailbox and find a personal letter, card or note addressed to you.  Because it doesn’t happen often, it’s a real thrill.  

When I was a girl, I exchanged letters on fun stationary to my cousin, grandmothers and a few friends.  I still have most of these treasured letters and the memories of this activity are among my fondest from my childhood.  Parents, it is such a gift to encourage our children to write letters and cards.  Why?  Because, it’s a small way that we can help our children to serve and to give to others.

Children need to have many opportunities to experience the joy that comes from giving and spending a few moments of their day, writing notes of encouragement, notes of congratulations, or perhaps notes of apology or sympathy.  Our children are eager to please and teaching them while they are young, the value of sacrificing a few moments of their time, to think of others and ensure that their friends and family feel their love and concern for them, is a gift that will bless them for their entire lives.

Some of the notes and cards that have meant the most to me over the years, have come during times of struggle and need.  I remember my son’s friend and his mother, bringing us a note of sympathy when our dog died. This kind act endeared us to this family forever.  I remember another time with a lady at my church, wrote a note to me, thanking me for a Sunday School lesson that I had taught and expressing what that lesson had meant to her.  I was so touched and of course felt reassurance in my own feelings of inadequacy with my assignment.

I hope we can all take the time to put pen to the paper and express our feelings towards and for our loved ones.

Very best,
Monica Irvine

To see the Etiquette Factory's Stationary for Kids, click HERE

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