
Being Positive Can Save Your Life

I hope you all are having a fabulous month and looking forward to another week, blessed with time.  Time to share, time to love, time to talk and time to count our many blessings.  Well, I know it sounds like I’m being all happy and joyful right now and actually, there’s a reason for this behavior.  Did you know that it is polite to be positive, which means it is impolite to be negative. is!

Sometimes, I want to shout at the top of my lungs to certain people to, “Stop Complaining!!!!!”  Yes, I know things are hard and difficult and uncertain right now and I’m feeling those things too, but how in the world does it help any of us to go around complaining, whining and fussing about all the gloom and doom in the world?  It helps nothing.  I know that there are people who suffer at a level that I cannot even relate to and never will.  My heart hurts knowing others have to suffer so.  However, I know that in order to help uplift each other and support each other, we have got to become more positive.  

We Americans, forget too easily the blessings we enjoy.  We are becoming so hard and cynical towards our elected officials, our way of life, our future.  Yes, of course we’ve got problems, some very big ones, but let’s stop complaining and let’s become a part of the solution.  

Ladies and gentleman are:
  1. people who look for the positive in all things
  2. people who see adversity and know that this is a time to triumph
  3. people who refuse to give up, complain or fail
  4. people who are more concerned with their neighbors’ troubles, than their own
  5. people who smile regardless of their day, so that they can help others to feel safe and comforted
  6. people who look at troubled times as an opportunity to show compassion
  7. people who ask themselves, “What can I do to change this situation?” and then do it
  8. people who ask themselves, “What can’t I  change in this situation?” and then forget it
  9. people who know that greatness comes from trying
  10. people who know that a positive attitude can not only change your day, but the day of everyone around you

May we all strive to be more positive and more cheerful.  Remember, true etiquette comes when our focus is on lifting those around us.  Why can staying positive save your life?  Because, it gives you your life back--the good life.  Try it and see!

Happy thoughts,
Monica Irvine

a.k.a. Mary Manners
#MannersMatter #StayPositive  #TeachingManners  #MannersforKids